
Network & Physical Security

Company surroundings

  • The entrance to the company premises should be restricted to only authorized access
  • The following is the checklist for securing the company surroundings:

o Fences

o Gates

o Walls

o Guards

o Alarms


  • Premises can be protected by:

o Checking for roof / ceiling access through AC ducts

o Use of CCTV cameras with monitored screens and video recorders

o Installing intruder system

o Installing panic buttons

o Installing burglar alarms

o Windows and door bars

o Deadlocks


  • The reception area is supposed to be a busier area than other area of the firm with the number of entering and exiting
  • The reception area can be protected by the followings:

o Files, documents, removable media, etc. Should not be kept on the reception desk.

o Reception desk should be design to discourage inappropriate access to the administrative area by non-staff member.

o Computer screen should be positioned in such a way that people cannot observe the screen near the reception desk.

o Computer monitor, keyboard, and other equipment at the reception desk should be locked whenever the receptionist in way from the desk and they should be logged off after office hours.


  • The server, which is the most important factor of any networks, shoul be given a high level of security
  • The server room should be well-lift
  • The server can be secured by the followings means:

o Server should not be used day-to-day activities

o It should be enclosed and locked to prevent any physical movement

o DOS should be removed from Windows Server as an intruder can boot the server remotely by DOS.

o Disable booting from the floopy disk and CD-ROM drive on the server or if possible, avoid having this drive on the the server.

Workstation area

  • This is the area where a majority of employees work
  • Employees should be educated about physical security
  • The workstation can be physically secured by taking the following steps:

o Use CCTV

o Screens and PCs should be locked

o Workstation layout design

o Avoid removable media drives

Wireless Access Points

  • If an intruder successfully connects to the firm’s wireless access points, then he is virtually inside the LAN like any other employee of the firm
  • To prevent such unauthorized access, the wireless access points should be secured
  • The following guidelines should be followed:

o WEP encryption should be followed

o SSID should not be revealed

o Access points should be password protected to gain entry

o Passwords should be strong enough so that they cannot be easily cracked

Other equipment

  • Other equipment, such as fax, and removable media

o Such equipment should be secured by following these steps:

§ Fax machines near the reception area should be locked when the receptionist is not at the desk

§ Faxes obtained should be filed properly

§ Modems should not have auto answers mode enabled

§ Removable media should not be placed in public places, and corrupted removable media should be physically destroyed

Access control

  • Access control is used to prevent unauthorized access to any highly sensitive operationa areas
  • The types of access controls are:

o Separation of work areas

o Biometric access control

o Entry cards

o Man traps

o Faculty sign-in procedures

o Identification badges


  • Wiretrapping is the action of secretly listening to other people’s conversation by connecting a listening device to their telephone
  • Wiretrapping is a device can interpret these patterns as sound
  • You can do few things to make sure that no one is wiretrapping:

o Inspect all the data carrying wires routinely

o Protect the wires using shielded cables

o Never leave any wire exposed

Remote Access

  • Remote access is an easy way for an employee of a firm to work from any place outside the company’s physical boundaries
  • Remote access to the company’s networks should be avoided as much as possible
  • It is easy for attacker to remotely access the company’s network by compromising the employee’s connection
  • The data being transferred during the remote access should be encrypted to prevent eavesdropping
  • Remote access is more dangerous than physical access as the attacker is not in the vicinity, and the probability of catching him is less
